Mittwoch, 6. April 2016

A semester in Russia: are you ready for it? Part 2

A semester in Russia: are you ready for it? Part 2

I prepared a short a list to help others who struggle (or will struggle) with the decision to go
abroad for a semester to St. Petersburg. Updates will follow every month!

Consider that...
... it is only based on my personal opinion. At the end it is one's own piece of cake! :)

Go if ...
+ ... you believe that you won't struggle with paperwork
+ ... you like that time is just some other variable and flexibility is one of your great 
       personal characteristics 
+ ... you like to go by taxis, since the taxi service here is seriously perfect and cheap
+ ... you like clubs

Don't go if ...
- ... you like structures and plans
- ... you believe you have power as a student and think you can change anything to meet your           own needs
- ... you are influenced by Western propaganda and are scared as hell if you ever hear                        something about Russia
- ... you think that all the food and stuff is much cheaper (some stuff is super expensive)

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