Montag, 19. Oktober 2015

Second Day: Lecture, Heaven's Palace and lake

This night was plagued by my jetlag. I woke up at 4 and could not sleep anymore. So I was writing my blog about the First day offline that I just posted before. In general it is not easy to write a google blog since all google services are officially blocked in China. So it takes some effort to feed you with news and pictures :)

At 6.30 we got up, and I realized that we have a tiny garden in our room (!) Our room is in the basement, so we have no window, but we have this little garden looking thingy behind a glass wall (check out the pics).
After having breakfast (some pastry that I bought the other day), we headed towards university where we had a Tai Chi lesson (looks a bit like yoga to me) outside with a Chinese instructor. We had lecture afterwards of a Chineses teacher who has spent  20 years in the US and 20 years in China. He gave us interesting insights abour how economy actually works and he explained us the Chinese economy model. He made interesting remarks and compared the transition phase from a government controlled economy towards or more or less free market between the countries China and Russia. Whereas in China the transition still takes place, Russia tried to convert the economy within no time (and unfortunatley had to learn a lesson out of that).

After this course we had lunch at some place close to the university. For 2 € I got really full. We had dumplings, soups and other things and I have to admit it was really delicious :)

In the afternoon we went to Heaven's palace. It took us a while to go there with the bus because traffic is really horrible. However, this palace was amazingly huge und beautiful. It is a park that compromises several buildings and it takes hours to walk around (I guess we walked for 7, 8 km).

In the evening we took the opportunity to go to the lake where there are dozens of bars and restaurants to have some dinner. I have never seen so many colors and smelled so many different flavors at one place. Food there is overpriced, so after walking around for quite a while we only had some snack for 2 €.
What I disliked was that waiters and shop owners are very pushy and try to get you in the bars, but we always resisted and went on. There are also some women trying to lure you by saying "there is a ladybar, come with us". Well, that is obviously a strip bar I suppose, but could also be a trick maybe? It was just weird to be asked to come with them all the time we were walking around. We refused of course and went home by cab. Now I am writing this blog (it is 23.00) and will go to bed soon!

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