Freitag, 16. Oktober 2015

I am back! New Destination: Beijing

Well guys, it has been a long time since my last entry. In the meantime I was busy with university and other stuff (a lot of organizational issues for future trips, but pssss I won't let you know now where I will go next year, it is still a little secret for many of you).

I am going to Beijing this time! (I have never been that far, oh good god that will be a massive jetlag)
Most of you will wonder why my link is still ""... Well, I don't change it since this is the link that you saved on your browsers and notebooks, right? :P
Guys, also don't be confused about my title picture which shows the centre of Omsk in Siberia... just don't associate it with China and you'll be fine :)

So what am I doing in Beijing?
I am going on a field trip, organized by my university. All my colleagues from my study program participate as well (46 students + professors). This field trip is not about having fun and enjoyment only, but we're rather bound to a tight schedule including several company visits, mostly at Austrian companies, a visit at the Austrian Chamber of Commerce and a visit at the Austrian Embassy in Beijing. Furthermore, there will be lecture taking place and even an exam at the end, compromising our learnings from the company visits, some papers and the lecture in China.
Besides these great opportunities to get to know to a great network of people who do business in Beijing and, there will several small excursions to the most important sights and monuments in, and around Beijing...

...therefore, expect pictures from:
- Temple of Heaven
- Summer Palace
- King Roast Duck (restaurant)
- Wangfujing Food Street
- Forbidden City
- The Great Wall
- UIBE (University, where there is the lecture)

Stay tuned ;)

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