Dienstag, 20. Oktober 2015

Third Day: Vice president of UIBE, KEBA company trip and Summer Palace

Waking up, quick breakfast and off we went...

Today we had a lecture hold by the Vice President of the UIBE University. It was not that interesting as yesterday, especially because it was a cold and dark morning which me feeling quite tired (and I still feel jetlag).  Also, it was hard to follow, however I stilled enjoyed it. Interesting to me was the number of students in China and the rapid increase of people with an academic degree. Nowadays Chinese universities teach more than 30 Mio. people and many more will follow. After the presentation we had time to ask some questions (most of us tried to avoid raising political questions though).

Straight after the lecture we went to the Austrian company KEBA. They build ATM machines for banks and are very successful with their business in China. We had a guided tour at the production site as well as a presentation about the ATM market followed by a small discussion. This market has an extremly high growth rate in China (25 % per year). The overall market share, however, is still small, but the company provides best technologies and services.

After that visit, we went to the Summer Palace, a huge place: acres full of temples and buildings, a big lake, hills, bridges, islands, many boats... it was pretty amazing although the weather was not! What I did not like was that many buildings were not refurbished well and that besides the nice facades there was not much interesting inside these buildings... It was becoming already dark when we went there, so dont expect very good pictures...

We decided to go to a restaurant later on. It has 4 floors, a huge variety of food and big portions at a low price. I randomly chose 3 dishes which looked nice on the pictures and had quite good luck. I did not have lunch so I was really hungry, but it was too much!

Have a look on the pictures of today:

UIBE Vice President


Notice the time difference

Different country, different needs

Summer Palace

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