Dienstag, 25. August 2015

Summary of the last days in Omsk

I have not been very eager to post anything new since I was busy during the last days in Omsk with organizing my trip back home as well as with the Russian exam at the language school and farewell partys. As I am writing, I am sitting at home in Austria already and look back to the last weeks as if it was the most interesting time in my life. It is the point of time in which I realize how far I really was away and how great the cultural differences actually are in comparison to Austria. It is also the point where I find myself in an extremly wealthy country where everything seems to work perfectly and where it is easy to live in. I have not seen my country like this before! But, how much energy and effort people need to keep things that perfect and stable? Could it be that many of us sacrifize to much of their life to make things that perfect and to earn more and more money? I don't think so, but I think that most people in the world try to improve their lifes, but it really matters in which country you try, it seems to me at least.  Maybe it is corruption that hinders the money flow to build up new infrastructure and to make thinks really better (of course we have corruption in Austria too, no doubt). So maybe it is something else that makes a difference? Certainly, a lot depends on equal distribution of wealth and certainly not every country is fair in this respect. But since I am not an expert, I stop my thoughts here and describe what I really have seen during the last days :) Pictures of course too!

After the last classes on Monday and Tuesday last week, we eventually had the Russian exam on Tuesday evening. The exam incluced a writing task, grammar test, listening comprehension as well as a speaking task. This exam was a little tricky, especially the grammar test, so I tried to be prepared accordingly and as it turns out, I received really good grades. But of course, in order to become fluent and close to perfect, there is a lot to do in the future (speaking about myself). It is just one step in a long process of becoming familiar with Russian language.
Just right after the exam our teachers were surprising us with self-made cakes and other Russian sweets. IOur teachers were awesome, but also eager to teach us. Anyway, that evening continued at the Karaoke bar in the city centre, where booze was served till also the shiest ones were singing. There were a lot of people: Austrian participants, Japanese ones, the Summer School organisation staff and others. It was a lot of fun and the only night we went out for quite long.
The next day, wednesday, we received the language certificate from the university and we went to the restaurant together with the teachers and the Summer School staff.
Thursday I was cooking for a friend (I really like cooking) and after my last Salsa dance lesson in Omsk, we were hanging out in a little theme park close to river Irtysh. We had a walk there and enjoyed the view as well as the sunset from above the ground (big wheel!).
Friday.... the last day of my trip. Still a great day! We (7 people) went to the traditional Russian Sauna. It was a seperate place where we as a group had our own Sauna, showers, relaxing room and also a small wooden pool (looks like a huge wine barrel). There we also could order tea, but what was more interesting was the Russian tradition in a Sauna. People beat each other using perch tree sticks with leaves on them! That was weird but also fun at the same time. It is said that it is good for the skin to use thes perch tree sticks. And if you are gentle you can even leave this place without a scratch. Great! (Little note for Finns who may read this blog: It is a mixed sauna, but everyone is covered)

And now some of the pictures:

After the exam with our three teachers

Karaoke bar "Abcento More"

Best singers in our group

Last salsa dance lesson (Thank you Masha and Olga)

Walking in the park

River Irtysh in the back

On the Big Wheel

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