Sonntag, 2. August 2015

A diary entry

First experiences in Omsk:
Yesterday I arrived at two o clock afternoon at Omsk airport. My first impression i had was the vastness of the area which I already observed from the window in the plane. The weather was hot, hotter than I expected.
After leaving and grabbing my luggage from the elevator I went out and Saule as well as Olga were there to pick me up from the airport so I was really happy! After some small talk I bought a Sim card from Beeline. Good value for a low price (!) since I have 3G, phoning and messages for only 5 €.
So we went to the dormitory which just in the centre of Omsk (consider that the centre of Omsk is bigger than many European cities in their whole entity). The Dormitory is quite old and some facilities dont work properly, but, since I have faced many bad conditions during other stays abroad, I was not shocked at all. Just the water from the shower is really cold, but at least  this forces me to use more time for other things than showering :)
After that, I was kindly invited to eat dinner with a Russian friend, and later we went out to the town's festival (299th anniversary of the town) and saw a lot of booths were they sold souvenirs and also there was a lot of music from different stages built up in the centre. In the evening we went to a Russian restaurant "Сибирская корона" (Sibirische Krone) where we had some dishes. After that I went home and I am glad to say that my 1st day was awesome and an interesting first impression!

Today, my 2nd day here, we went as a group (other students who participate the summer school, Saule and other Russian students) around to city and had lunch. I tried out Shashlik (grilled meat from the stick) and later we had Russian ice cream when we were strolling around. In the evening there was a little dance workshop on a public place close to the river where they taught Salsa and other dance moves. Later I went out with friends a bit, and now I should sleep since I have Russian classes tomorrow. Good night and stay tuned :D

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