Donnerstag, 6. August 2015

Intense Russian lessons! Picnic at the park and purchasing train tickets for going to Novosibirsk

Russian lessons are getting harder and harder I would say :) Since everything is explained in Russian language, it is not that easy to follow and to fully understand the teacher's explanation at first glance. That's why repitition in the evening is crucial to remember everything. I am really glad to have teachers who are really kean to be well prepared for the lessons and who are are consistently talking in Russian, very rarely switching to English. This is great, since it is the only way to learn a language as difficult as Russian. I am already thinking about to go to Russia again for my semester abroad which will be in summer semester 2016. This would be beneficial for my skills in Russian language.

After class I went back to the dorm to have a little rest since I could not sleep so well that night and at two o clock we headed off to have a picnic close to the river Irtysh. Unfortunatley, the place was not clean, so before we settled down we cleaned the place from the bottles, plastics and empty cigarette packs. Very sad that people leave such a place in such a condition... since there is a lot of potential to make the river side more attractive to eventually lure tourists.
At the picnic we had our stuff that we previously purchased at the store and set the "table" on the sandy soil. We put all the food in the middle to share with others and to make the atmosphere more

Another task for today: We bought train tickets for Novosibirsk for the upcoming week!

A new experience: Going with a so called Marshrytka (a van that is used for public transport and features many seats +  narrow + a bit smelly + loud + bumpy + full of people + fast driving - seatbelt = crazy experience!

One of two metro stations in Omsk (note that although the stations were built, there is no train going)

On the way to the river side

River Irtysh and sandy beach


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