Freitag, 7. August 2015

First hot shower and art Museum Wrubel in Omsk

Yes, first time to have hot water here for the shower! And yes, it was amazing, I feel so refreshed, even reborn :) That is something I really missed here so I hope I have hot water for the next weeks.
I cannot wait going to the monestry tomorrow since it features hot (!) thermal springs!

Today we had class as usual of course, but also we went to the art museum "Wrubel" (Врубел). It was ok, not too many paintings though that grabbed my attention. Luckily, we have someone to translate in English. This is really necessary considering that we do not know many words in Russian to describe art. As usual you find today's pictures below. Enjoy!

Today's class in the morning, a little game in Russian language

Art museum

Katharina II painted by an Austrian

Art museum (I think Peter the Great)q

Art museum

By the way, this the dorm I live in ...

... and this is my room

Washing room in the dormitory (to all Austrians: don't complain about your living standards)

And by the way, to offer a more vivid picture of my travel I am currently using my phone to make videos of Omsk from time to time. These I will probably post only when I am back to Austria where I have unlimited data volume available for uploading. 

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