Donnerstag, 13. August 2015

My birthday and "talent" show

Yesterday (12.08) was my birthday, so we had a little party at the Ukrainian Restaurant "Shinok" in Omsk. I invited my new friends who I met here in Omsk from the university as well as students who participate in the same language program as I do and some people who I met during some of the excursions.
The atmosphere was great and I am really happy to say that I have made a good choice. The kitchen and the service were doing a great job so I really enjoyed my Ukrainian Borsh soup.
A little note: Consider typical stereotypes that many people created about Russia and you would think that vodka is present at any kind of party. In fact we only ordered wine and beer which fitted to the dishes we chose.

Really nice: Unexpectly I received several birthday presents: 2 books full of Russian stories (actually for children with big letters, so just right for me to practice reading as a beginner), a beer glass with a Russian idiom written on it, Kazakh chocolate and a book for praciting writing in Russian.

Find the pictures below and scroll down to read more about today (13.08)

My new friends and colleagues from the language program and other events

Tasting perfectly made Borsh soup with home mad bread and Smetana (Sour cream)

Today after classes we had a little "talent" show at the university were we had to briefly show some of our talents. Some read poems, one played the piano, some sang songs. Quite soon in the beginning of my trip in Russia, organisers of the summer school were asking us what are our hobbies so they found out that I play the drums. And of course they pushed me to show something, so I had no choice but to actively participate, but it was really good fun at the end :) Furthermore I was dancing Salsa, well, only after 2 lessons of practicing it was not looking that professional, but still a good experience. 

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