Donnerstag, 6. August 2015

Puppet theatre in Omsk

Today (05.08), aftter our class, we were at the the puppet theatre in Omsk. There we had a guided tour through the theatre and its rooms, and stages where the puppet shows take place. The theatre is located quite close to the centre of Omsk and not far from the train station. The theatre also features a little museum where the puppets that were used for different shows. The puppets exhibited are from different countries and have differen pasts and stories that we were told about. Furthermore, there is a very little theatre room for toddlers who can enjoy puppet shows with their parents. Even there is a little zoo, where birds and fish are exhibited. Have a look ontthe pictures :)

Entrance to the theatre
In the waiting room at the entrance

Fancy paintings of Venice

Light consisting of more than 200 bulbs and a weight of 2,5 tons (!) at the main stage

Puppets, from all over the world. These are carried with one hand and movements are done by levers connected to the puppet to make the show more vivid.

"Transformer Room"

"Transformer room" continued. Features foldable chairs, lights, etc. to completly change the setting and make the stage ready also for dance shows (when seats are removed and the whole room is flattened)

Frozen scene in the museum


In the museum's own little zoo

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