Dienstag, 11. August 2015

Russian birthday party and studying

The last days I became a little "lazy" with publishing posts, so I make a summary of sunday, monday and today. Furthermore, time is not on my side since I am studying Russian at home and need to do the homeworks.

That day a Russian friend had her birthday party at home. The party already started in early afternoon and went on till evening. First we had lunch and some relatives and friends were gathering at the table where the food was displayed in the middle. There were plenty of appetizers, meat dishes, ceasar sald (that one I prepared) and of course a birthday cake. Traditionally too much food is served for birthdays so it was impossible to eat everything (although I would have liked). Very different to Austrian birthday parties where that there many times when somebody held a short speech facing the birthday child where things like "I wish you all the best, good luck and a long life" and so on... After that we clinked glasses (no vodka, but wine unlike most foreigners think).
After all it was a great experience to "feel" the way birthday parties are held and furthermore I could use the opportunity to use my listening skills.

On Monday we had Russian classes. I always find it exciting to have that course since the teachers often prepare some short games for the end of the lesson where we get in more in touch with Russian culture (such as songs and reactivity games)
In the afternoon we had a discussion with a teacher of the university about "Modern Russia". The aim was to raise questions about Russia's situation in economy, politics, but also society. Although it was quite interesting I expected a more objective, less supportive opinion from the teacher's side about the current situation in Ukraine.

Today (Tuesday)
After classes I was studying Russian and doing homework :) Not such an exciting day, but it is good to use time to improve skills in Russian language as the demand of the teachers is quite high.

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