Dienstag, 4. August 2015

Lectures in Russian, first homework and presentation of our home countries

We had classes in Russian today in the morning with our three teachers. They are really eager to teach us Russian since they never switch to any other language and if we need further explanation about the new vocabulary or so, they only exlplain in Russian. I really appreciate this way of teaching since it is the only way you can learn a language that is as hard as this one.

In the beginning of the class we played some short games to get to know each other and to practice some vocabulary. Afterwards we took our seats and they gave us a presentation of Omsk, showed us typical Russian things, and also showed us where to find the bars, clubs, and restaurants if we bother to go out some time :) At the end the class was devided in two groups (two different levels of skills in Russian), so my Russian class is already in a small group of only 7 Students who have a similiar level in Russian language. We then received our first homework, we need to write a text about the town's festival using specific vocabulary which they gave us. Afterwards we went to the students' cantine and had lunch.

At 15.00 we held our presentations (of course in Russian language) where we showed Austrian culture and shared Mozart chocolate with the audience :). Other students participating the language program are from Japan, Vietnam, China and Turkmenistan who also held presentations. This was a very nice experience since it was my first presentation in Russian language. At the end even Russia was presented and stereotypical things about Russia were shown (Russians are very proud, it seems like we get presentations about Russia every day). But especially this presentation was really well made and even a dance (where we had to run in a circle to Russian music), music, and Russian food (pancakes with honey and kwas, a Russian limonade made from bread) were included in the presentation.

At 17:00 presentations were over and we went out to have a walk in the town. We entered one of the churches (it is the one with the golden roof that I use as a title picture for this blog). At the time we went there was a ceremony so we saw the orthodox priests and Russian visitors. After some time in the church we went shopping. We especially wanted to buy some postcards, but it is really hard to find postcards in Omsk unlike in many European cities. But finally we did and it is really cheap (120 Rubl for 30 postcards, which is around 1,50 € (!). Unfortunately there is no way to buy a smaller amount or even single cards, but at this price there is no reason to complain.

So then we went back to the dormitory, I had dinner and now I am about to do learn the new vocabulary and write the homework.

Below a picture of the university's entrance:

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