Montag, 3. August 2015

First day at university

Today we had our first day at university where we got to know to the team of the international office who are keen to help us with visa, payment and so on. The director of the university was welcoming us to the language program and afterwards there was a little presentation of the course program as well as the leisure time activities which we can join.
After paying for the program we went to the university's cantine where we had lunch (a lunch costs around 1,30-2 €). I enjoyed the food and was happy to be around my new colleagues and Russians.
We then went to the classroom to get introduced to our new teachers who will guide us during the whole course. Furthermore they gave a presentation about Russia and Omsk and asked us to mention nouns and verbs which we associate with Russian culture.
Furthermore we had a little test in Russian language so that we are devided in two groups (two different levels of skills) so that both beginners and indermediates can benefit from the course. Tomorrow, we will be at class at 9 o clock and the tuition starts!

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